Uprise of My Dedication

Temptation is the downfall of my concentration, which should lead me to dedication but I am stuck in a state of exasperation trying to force my concentration. Why does my concentration have to be used for a type of education that does not PEAK MY INTEREST? Inspiration sparks my concentration to focus on a type of education that is useless in this type of nation or may leave me in a state of desperation. But my aspiration puts me in a state of desperation when my GRADES DON’T MEET EXPECTATION and I am expected to go to a top tier college based on a selection. Man that’s a lot of decision makin’ for a 16 year old teen living in a  ONE PERSPECTIVE NATION. This is what started my altercation of me being SUCCESSFUL or me being JOYFUL. But why can’t I be hopeful that I will be both. The longer I dwell on this decision makin’ the easier it is for me to be neither joyful or successful. Once I figure out my aspiration I will feel the exhilaration from the acceleration of my life as I am following my true passion. But I don’t want to take my whole life to figure out my aspiration that fills my imagination. This is a real complication that we all have in common in this easily divided nation. I need to have patience but chase it with the same dedication that I use to follow my aspiration. So TEMPTATION is the DOWNFALL OF MY CONCENTRATION, but INSPIRATION is the UPRISE OF MY DEDICATION.


One thought on “Uprise of My Dedication

  1. I agree with how you feel on school I also feel my concentration could be on something else that I am actually interested in


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